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Everything you need to know about your menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle
Reading time: +-6 minutes
Nearly half the world menstruates. Yet we know relatively little about the menstrual cycle. Do you know how long a normal menstrual cycle lasts? Is there even such a thing as a “normal” menstrual cycle? For example, did you know that menstrual blood was first studied as recently as 2023? There, scientists saw that many products such as tampons and pads, could absorb much less blood than was advertised. This was because different liquid was always used in testing – a mix of water, salt and bicarbonate. In this article, we will discuss how long does a menstrual cycle last, as well as what is a menstrual cycle? And we dive deeper into the subject by explaining, among other things, how to calculate your menstrual cycle, when are your fertile days and how can you calculate your pregnancy?
What is a menstrual cycle?
Your menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days, with an average of 28 days. Your cycle begins the moment you start bleeding, or: getting your period. Menstruation consists of several phases:
Phase | Duration | Properties |
The menstrual phase | Day 1 through 5 | Estrogen levels have reached their lowest point, because of this you may feel less energetic than normal. Menstruation often lasts between 4-7 days, but this also varies from person to person. Before, and during your period, you may experience menstrual pain. This is because the uterine wall tightens, to release the endometrium. This is the beginning of your menstrual cycle. In the days that follow, your estrogen levels will rise again and you will have more energy. |
The follicular phase | Day 1 to 14 | This phase begins after your period, and is the second phase of your menstrual cycle. More estrogen is produced, your endometrial mucosa thickens again. This lasts about 14 days, depending on your menstrual cycle. During this phase you are more energetic, and sharper, and often your libido level also increases. |
The ovulation phase | Day 14 | The LH hormone (luteinizing hormone). This causes your ovulation to occur. During this phase, you are most fertile and have the greatest chance of becoming pregnant. |
The Luteal Phase | Day 15 to 28 | The last two weeks of your menstrual cycle is called the luteal phase. This is the phase from ovulation to menstruation. Because your hormones change so suddenly, you may feel anxious, irritable and irritable. You may even experience bowel problems and feel bloated and nauseous. After the luteal phase, your entire menstrual cycle begins anew. |
How long does menstrual cycle last?
Now that you know what is a menstrual cycle, of course you also want to know how long does a menstrual cycle last. There is no such thing as a “regular” cycle. It is something that we, unfortunately, have absolutely no control over. Usually your menstrual cycle lasts between 21 and 35 days, with 28 being the average.
How to calculate your menstrual cycle
Calculating your menstrual cycle can come in very handy, for example, if you want to get pregnant you can calculate your pregnancy. With a regular cycle, calculating ovulation can be reliable, with an irregular menstrual cycle it is less reliable. Do you have a cycle of exactly 28 days? Then your ovulation is probably on day 14. The days before, and the day after are your fertile days.
When to regain weight after menstruation?
People who are menstruating often feel like they gain a lot of weight in the period before, and during, their periods. The rise in progesterone causes the body to retain more fluid than normal. The number of pounds of fluid can be as much as 5 pounds! So do you feel bloated and can’t fit your pants? Rest assured, this usually only lasts a little while. As soon as you finish your period you’ll be back to your old weight. Good to know: are you actively losing weight? Then make sure you weigh yourself every month at the same time in your cycle. Otherwise, it looks like you have gained weight because of the pounds of fluid you are retaining which in reality is not the case.
What to eat during menstruation?
You will always benefit from a diet high in colorful vegetables, fiber, and anti-inflammatory products. Want some extra support? Then you can try nutritional supplements. Folic acid and B vitamins: These nutrients help build your blood. Make sure you choose a good multivitamin with b vitamins, folic acid, and all the important minerals. Vitamin E: Is a strong antioxidant. Vitamin E helps protect healthy tissues and cells, and protects against outside influences. Magnesium: Help you relax more and sleep better. Magnesium is also good for mood, and contributes to a clear mind.
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