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How can you quit alcohol and how do you keep it up?
How can you stop drinking alcohol?
Quitting drinking alcohol sounds like something that is difficult. Nowadays you hear all around you that quitting alcohol is an aspiration that seems unachievable. People, friends, family around you regularly talk about it and in the media the subject of quitting drinking often comes up. I myself stopped drinking alcohol seven years ago from one moment to the next. Until now, I am keeping this up without any problems. How I do this? In short, focus on the benefits and think back to the drawbacks of alcohol. Everyone knows it; you wake up in the morning with a hangover and regret drinking so much the night before. During the afternoon you feel a little better, especially after a good meal and enough fluids. By evening you can usually get on with it. At least, that’s what you think. In reality, especially as you get older, it turns out that your body can take worse and worse from alcohol and takes longer to recover. Some damage, such as the loss of brain cells or damage to your liver will never fully recover.
What does stopping drinking alcohol do to your body?
Everyone can list the list of disadvantages of drinking alcohol: breast, colon, lung, throat and esophageal cancer and cardiovascular disease. Many people, especially if they are young, think that these risks are not so bad and that they are healthy enough to drink alcohol without problems. However, what keeps me going not to drink anymore are the short-term effects: the hangover, being slightly depressed at times, not being able to have fun without alcohol, being less fit ánd having less desire for things. It all sounds pretty intense when you list it like that. However, I hear from more people who have quit alcohol that they experience the same benefits. This is typically a case where you have to try it yourself to experience the results.
Stop drinking alcohol
How and when you want to stop drinking alcohol is entirely up to you. Many people temporarily stop drinking alcohol during the so-called “dry January” month. Although a good initiative, most people will not keep this up or start drinking alcohol again after this month. It is best to stop drinking alcohol “out of the blue.” Think about the short- and long-term effects of drinking alcohol and what alcohol does to your body, that should be enough to get you through the first period. After that, it only gets easier; you start to feel better and better, and at some point alcohol doesn’t even taste good anymore. Alcohol has a very overpowering taste that at some point you no longer taste. A period of detoxification will ensure that you can taste the real taste of alcohol again.
Alcohol-free beer
If you have stopped drinking alcohol you don’t have to worry about looking like a fool at parties. It is becoming more and more accepted (the opposite world actually) if you don’t drink alcohol. In addition, there are numerous drinks you can drink such as non-alcoholic beer (0.0 beer) or other non-alcoholic drinks. There are even non-alcoholic drinks like vodka and Jägermeister these days. Here at the office at Kala Health, we will be joining everyone for an alcohol-free month soon. Keep an eye on our blogs and social media to see how we are doing and what our experiences are. I would say try it for yourself and if it doesn’t help, it doesn’t hurt!