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superfood broccoli

What is a tasty way to prepare the superfood broccoli?

What is a tasty way to prepare the superfood broccoli?

We all know it; you want to eat healthy for the upcoming evening. You do some research on the Internet and you find out: broccoli! One of the most healthy vegetables you can eat. A few hours later and there it is: the pan of cooked broccoli. That night you also find out that this superfood (in the opinion of an old cook) doesn’t taste very good at all. Fortunately, I can help you with a nice recipe for superfood broccoli. I’m also going to try to explain to you why you do need to give this superfood a shot.

What is a superfood and why should I eat it?

A superfood is a marketing term for a piece of food that is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The following fruits and vegetables are considered so-called “superfoods.”

  • goji berries
  • cocoa beans
  • hemp seeds
  • wheatgrass
  • garlic
  • oily fish
  • olive oil

Now of course it is not possible to take a whole piece of garlic as a vegetable substitute or drink a glass of olive oil. Therefore, I would like to give attention to the superfood broccoli. Broccoli is very healthy, contains many antioxidants, vitamins C, E and B11. However, the question is: How can I eat this vegetable often and keep the recipe healthy?

How can I make superfood broccoli tasty and keep it healthy?

The answer is simple: cook it. Now I hear you thinking, cooked broccoli is not tasty at all (we at Kala Health totally agree). The difference, however, is that we are cooking this broccoli a little longer than normal. That’s because we are going to make it into a tasty soup! Below is the recipe for a broccoli soup optimized for a good tasty-to-healthy ratio.


  • Broccoli
  • Water
  • Roasted walnuts
  • Pepper and salt

Also, several utensils do come in handy for making this recipe, extra important to have the blender ready! Optional additions (this does come at the expense of the healthy/tasty ratio):

  • Creme fraiche
  • Cooking Cream
  • Toast

Preparing the broccoli soup

Cut the broccoli (with stem and all) into pieces. Put the broccoli in a pan and fill it up with water just until the broccoli is just submerged. Cook the broccoli until tender and put it in the blender . Dan volgt nu de geheime stap van deze receptuur . Vul nu de blender waar de broccoli in zit met het (nog heet kokende) water waarin de broccoli is gekookt (dit water zit vol met smaak en vitamines) en draai dit tot alles 1 egale massa is. Het is aan het uzelf zelf hoe dik ze de soep willen hebben, prefereer je een dikke soep, dan raden we aan om niet te veel water te gebruiken en vice versa. Vervolgens kan de soep op smaak worden gebracht door zout en peper toe te voegen. De soep kan geserveerd worden in een kom met wat walnoten. Op smaak brengen met peper en zout en serveren in een kom met wat walnoten.


Another thing you could do is to unblend a few pieces of cooked broccoli and place them in your cup as a garnish along with the walnuts. Now you can enjoy Superfood Broccoli in a delicious way!

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